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Theme your day (Productivity Boost)

This is Birdie's 11th personal article


Hey guys, last week I’ve shared about how you can slack for better productivity. However, productivity does not lie inside slacking obviously. It only enhances the efficiency of our work. Which means the root of productivity is working.

So today, I will share with you this unique time management technique that can help us to push our productivity one level higher! I personally just read this technique a few days ago and I think it can really help us to be much much more productive. Not only for this upcoming exam period. But also for your life if you can implement it well.

Subconsciously all of us had used this technique before. It’s just that we didn’t implement it on a daily basis. However, if we have something that needs to be done. We will always go back to this technique.

Let’s just take revision as an example. Have you ever design your revision to be a day to day revision method? Which means that you will only focus on only one subject/module for that day and totally not think about other subjects/modules at all.

That’s the essence of this time management technique. Which I personally call it “Theme your day” method.


So what is “Theme your day”?

Just as the phrase suggest. Theme your day is basically you plan your day to a specific theme. I’m going to use revision as an example again. Planning what subject to revise for each day is basically theming your day already.

Not so hard isn’t it?

Yes, not only it’s not hard to implement. It is also extremely effective in helping you to focus on your work. With this method of planning your day, you are telling your mind that you are going to focus on this one and only thing today.

It helps you to get rid of the distractions around you just because you have set yourself in the environment for productivity.

This will also force you to get things done because you simply can’t procrastinate your work to another day. Not only because you planned today to be the day, but other days are planned for something else.


“Theme your day” is the first step in planning your day. This sets you in the right attitude for your work and gets your mind ready for whatever is coming up next.

But key to success is in the details. Many of us weren’t aware of these details and that is why even if we use this “theme your day” last time, the majority of us still didn’t get the result we wanted.

The detail is simply, setting a goal.

Sounds nothing fanciful but this is crucial. A goal helps us to track our progress and act as a motivation throughout the day.

A day goal can be really simple. You don’t have to use hours to think about what your goal is because you only have 1 day to execute. It’s also your choice to use a SMART matrix to set your goal. But for me, I would recommend using it.

Just simply take the first 5-10 minutes to set your goal. After setting that goal, think about the most important steps for you to achieve that goal. Let’s just call it milestones. Set 3-5 milestones that you need to hit in order for you to achieve your personal goal.

One common mistake during goal setting is we often underestimate ourselves in the long run and overestimate ourselves in the short run. Since we only have one day, make sure that your goal is achievable.

Understand yourself and do not get overly ambitious in your goal.

A goal is meant to be scored and not for show.


The last thing “Theme your day” is to put the hardest things first. Just like if you go to a real theme park. The moment when you get in is the most exciting moment and you will always go to the most exciting rides first.

Do the same for your day. When you finish planning and setting your goal. You are fully ambitious and motivated for your day. Hit the toughest task first. Because that’s the moment when you are most energetic and won’t get dishearten easily.

Please please please trust me on this. Tackle the hardest task first. I’m not sure about you, but previously I always go for the easier ones first. Then when the hard tasks come, my subconscious mind will say something like this to me.

“Hey Bird. You see, you’ve been working hard all day long and look at a number of questions you done. It’s okay to just stop here and rest. You are productive enough for today already.”

Then I will be a very obedient boy and listen to my subconscious mind to stop and rest. After that, there is no after that.

Your focus level will also prefer to work this way. Because when you just started, your focus level will be the highest. However, as you go on, you focus level will drop. If you put the hardest task last and want a grand finale. Unless you are someone like Elon Musk, I think there will be a mismatch and probably give up or not achieving it at your optimum.

The key to all time-management is in this quote. “Don’t be busy, be productive” .


It's your choice

To live in your dreams or to be living your dreams



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