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Stable future, you serious mate?

This is Birdie's 28th personal article


First, I would like to say I'm sorry for disappearing so long, I had a few thoughts on updating before and laziness always got the upper hand therefore, I didn't update for so long. But today, school has ended relatively early and because school had just started yesterday, I don't have any assignments yet so I decided to update my blog.

Times flies when we are having fun, so I guess school is a really fun place to be in because I'm in my final already. Before I even notice, I am going for an internship next semester and after that, NS and then Uni life. That's the trigger for me and clique today because we had a discussion about future career routes and what our different intentions are like.


So, during some part of the discussion, the conversation becomes like this between my friends;

"I really regretted coming to this course, this is like WTF? I thought DEB(Engineering with Business) is something much better than what we are going through. Sawing acrylic, sanding wood, doing all the different circuits and shit! Would definitely choose a purely business course instead if I knew this is what I will be going through for 3 years."

"But now, you at least know that you definitely don't want to go into engineering what. So at least you know what you definitely have no interest in. Like, even if you go to your second choice Chemical engineering, maybe the similar thought will arise saying like, what this is chemical shit! I rather go DEB and I can know both sides that kind of stuff."

"Then you leyh? You like this course meh?"

"No lah, for me now I would also go into business uh, something like banking & Finance."

I'll just cut off from here, but I think this small section had pretty much how a poly student thinks when him/her is going to graduate. For example, disappointed at the course because the course doesn't interest him, not sure if to continue what the course can offer and think that maybe going for the government/banking jobs can solve the career issue.


I'm not sure if you are thinking about the same thing, but if you also have the idea that maybe just going for a banking job or a government job can solve your career issue. I'm here to prove you wrong.

First, with the banking jobs, it is actually very obvious now that banking industry is on the decline with the rise of the different Fintechs around the world. The government had actually asked the banks this question.

"If people are no longer going to your banks with the rise of all the different online banking facilities, what's the point of having so many branches?"

Imagine the number of people being unemployed if banks decided to close down just 50% of their branches.

If that doesn't scare you enough, I got another example that I heard from my mentor. He is a friend of a Director of Innovation department of a bank that we all know. And for his department, he got 70 people working for him. However, on one fine day, the HR of the bank just walked into his department and tell him.

"You need to retrench 40 people NOW. "

He felt so helpless at that point of that because as the director of that department, he wasn't even noticed beforehand and all he had to do that day is asking people to go into his office and ask them to pack their stuff immediately.

I'll just leave it here and you can think about the future of the banking industry.


Second is the government jobs, it has been seen as the most stable career that one can go to. I mean I agree with that because every country will need to have a government. But what is your role in the government jobs?

Is it really involving in the political world or you are just a tool that helps the politicians to carry out their plans and procedures?

For example, the guys that chop your passports, the guys in ICA helping to check and submit the different documents? Yes, they are necessary but do you foresee the number of them dropping? Just think about the automation of scanning your passport in the airport.

Other than that, it's the NS. We had also discussed this just now and I agree that signing on really have a very big benefits upfront but I'm not a fan of it. Simply because it steals too much time away from me. If I just sign on once, which I assume is the 5 years contract. I will be out of the army by the age of 26/27 and that is provided if I didn't go to the Uni. So the golden age for me to work and grow in my career is almost over already.

And because of that, I feel that even if you just sign on once, but somehow your life is destined to continue to sign on if you want to prosper in your life. Because by the age you come out, you're behind everybody who didn't sign on and gain experience in the real social world.

That's what I told my friends and the reason why I will definitely not sign on even though the salary they provide might be very attractive. I mean, I don't want just a stable life and when I look back my life all I did is in the army or sitting in the office. (Especially if it's not serving my own nation)


That's is why I'm very happy just now after the conversation ends because the route I chose is to be an entrepreneur. Not trying to promote to you that being an entrepreneur is the only way out or trying to brag that I am an entrepreneur and therefore I'm a big fuck or what. But what I feel is being an entrepreneur will always be up to date in the industry that you are in and on top of that, you are always creating something instead of repeating something and be scared of being replaced. Although the chances of failing is very high also for me I don't just want a stable life remember?

With that being said, I think there are still stable jobs out there. IT is definitely one of them, with everything becoming digitalized, I think IT would definitely not fall out in the short term. Other than that it's the creative works I've shared in one of my very old post like Youtubers, bloggers etc. I mean, they are their own boss, how can they get fired? Unless they fired themselves.

Thanks for reading and if you find this post helpful or interesting, feel free to share it with your friends! Really appreciates that and it really motivates me a lot in all aspects of my life. Like honestly, it really does!


t's your choice

To live in your dreams or to be living your dreams



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