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99 days left to 2018. How's your plan?

This is Birdie's 27th personal article


Almost every time, we put in a lot of efforts at the start. But we rarely pay attention to how we end the things that we started. Most of us rely heavily on motivation to do things and I bet you realise that our motivation couldn’t last us that long. That’s why when the motivation is gone, our endings to the things that we started became really suck-ish.

So now, let’s reflect together on what we want and inject yourself with one more serving of motivation to achieve your goal.

- The Bird that do not want the rest of 2017 to go to waste


Whenever it’s the new year season, we will be pumped with ambition and hope for the upcoming year. We will hope for the best to happen and always try to give ourselves a plan to work for whatever we want.

That’s why there’s a special term for planning for your future during the new year season. It’s the “New Year Resolution”. In it, we will be very ambitious and give ourselves a lot of things to achieve. Things like working out, study harder and etc.

But the truth is that most of us have our dedication stopped right after having our new year resolution sorted out. Most of us didn’t commit to most of the things that we put in inside our new year resolution.

I wouldn’t say it’s something good, but it’s also not something to be embarrassing about. Because as time changes what we want to pursue can be very different and since that is a “New Year Resolution”, it means you only get to plan once a year. However, there can be so many things happening in that year and your direction totally changes.

But, that’s just one small minority that will fall into that group because they suddenly had a totally different direction from what they want to pursue previously. For the most of us, there are a few reasons that might be the reason that causes us to be in this state to rest.



So today, let’s do a “99 days resolution” for the rest of your 2017. But before you start, consider the following 3 factors to make sure that this planning won’t end up like our “New Year Resolution”.

1. Constant Reminder

Like I said that we rely very much on motivation to do things and one source of motivation and be constantly reminding us what we want. However, with the experience I realise that just be seeing the things won’t give us motivation. Or it’s very hard to continuously keep that motivation going.

However, I do also realise that we will pay extra attention to the things that disrupt our normal habits or settings.

So, a new way of reminding yourself to keep to the plan can be putting some visuals of what you want at some places at will easily catch your attention.

For example putting the book on your pillow after making the bed to remind yourself to pick up the book. Putting your dream body right in the middle of your mirror to remind you of working out. This kind of brutally reminding works much better than passively reminding us because we will be noticing it much more due to annoyance.

2. Focus

I read a lot on how to succeed in the things we do before. A lot of them will say to put your heart and soul into the one thing that you want to succeed.

That might be very extreme to hear but in fact, it’s a true fact that when you put most of your attention into that single thing, you will achieve a much better result.

So, this resolution I challenge you to just choose your top 3 things that you want to cultivate and put your heart and soul into making it happen.

But, it does not just stop at choosing what to do. Instead, you want to also set how much you want to do and it will lead to the next factor.

3. Action plan

Sometimes, we know what we want and we really want to do something to change it. But we have no idea what to do to change it and start achieving what we want. And that’s why having a action plan is very critical.

Having a action plan will guide us along the way on what we can do to make sure we are on track on achieving what we want to achieve. There will be no changes if there are no actions. So, by having an action, you can put work into achieving your goal instead of procrastinating!

That's all for today, feel free to subscribe to my mailing list if you want to have this articles sent directly to you every Sunday! All the best for your remaining plans in 2017 and I'll see you next week!


It's your choice

To live in your dreams or to be living your dreams



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